Name Tags

Name Tags

This form is for the AU branded name tags. Name tags are ordered every Friday and take 2-4 weeks to be delivered to your AU mailbox.


Please Note:

Delivery times may vary depending on the time of year and the quantity of name tags being ordered at one time. If you are still missing a name tag for weeks after you submit an order, please don't hesitate to reach out about the status of your name tag.

Typical orders are one or two name tags per person. If you are ordering a batch of name tags (ex. a group of 12 student employees) this section is where you need to specify how many name tags you are ordering for each person, not the total # of name tags for your order.

What logo needs to be displayed on your name tag? Only the four options listed here are available. (For clinical teacher's name tags an additional line of copy is added to the standard name tag so please select standard)

By checking this box, you are confirming that you have reviewed the above information (and below for batch orders) for accuracy and are approving the printing of your name tag(s).

If you are ordering a batch of name tags (name tags for two or more people) where the title is the same for every person, please fill out the above information and add only the additional names here. If the titles are different, please add the additional names AND titles in a file to upload here.