Register a New Social Media Account Request / Requests / By Marketing Department Register a New Social Media Account RequestThis request is to help facilitate planning and gaining authorization to create a new social media account.Your NameEmail AddressJob TitleWhich area of campus do you work for?What platforms do you want to use?Who will ultimately be responsible for this account?Who else will have access to this account?What is the purpose of this account?Is launching this account authorized by your manager or supervisor?Who is the account's audience?Is my target audience on this network?What are the channel's goals? How will we determine success?What is the plan for content planning/creating? What kind of response will the account offer? Do you have time to monitor the account?Who will run the account? Do you have a plan for the future?Is everyone with access to the account familiar with University policies?Is there a plan to build an audience? Do you have the time required to build and create content for this account?Do you have a budget to build/scale/maintain this account?How will negativity or worst-case scenarios be handled?Submit Form